Microsoft releases free and powerfull debugging tools for Windows.
The packadge includes the well known 'WinDbg' debugger, which, at its core, runs on top the Windows debugging engine - dbgeng.dll.
DbgEng is a powerfull debugger engine. Its features include:
user mode debugging
kernel mode debugging
x86, x64 support
soft and hw breakpoints
symbol server
and more!
PyDbgEng is a Python Wrapper For Microsoft Debug Engine.
Wrapper for DebugCreate() API which creates IDebugClient COM interface.
Easy access to IDebugClient COM interface
Easy access to all other DbgEng COM interfaces via IDebugClient.QueryInterface()
Easy access to all DbgEng structs and enums.
Receive DbgEng events. Currently supported: IDebugEventCallbacks, IDebugOutputCallbacks
Now that you have a scriptable debugger, here are some of the things you can do:
Fault Injection
Automatic Executable Unpacking
Application Fuzzing
Have Fun =)